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- Got to Setup. Follow the instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 installation and configuration, creating the usb device and installing the kernel: Install Ubuntu kernel 4.15.0 for UP from PPA on Ubuntu 18.04 . Then enable the Hat functionality: Enable the HAT functionality from userspace . Use the Ubunto TwoPotatoe username and password.
- Install xfce desktop environment.
- Install realvnc with same TwoPotatoe login name and password.
- Install Eclipse C++ development environment. You can also get it from, extract it and move it to some other directory and create a desktop launcher.
- Install Samba. Use the same name and password as for Ubuntu. You must sudo this command. Add the ~/eclipse-workspace/ environment.
- Copy the TwoPotatoe source into the Eclipse environment.
- Install the Realsense libraies.
- Import the TwoPotatoe project with Import Projects from File System
- In Eclipse set to compile with the c11 environment: Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->GCC C++ Compiler->Dialect->ISO C++11
- Add the Realsense libraries: Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->GCC C++ Linker->Libraries->realsense2 may need to be added.
- Add runtp killtp “killall TwoPotatoe” and findtp “pgrep -a TwoPotatoe” scripts.
- Add runtp& to .profile.